Students at the white coat ceremony read the Declaration of Geneva

MD White Coat Ceremony

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Attendance at the UW School of Medicine and Public Health white coat ceremony is by invitation only.

MD White Coat Investiture and Gold Humanism Honor Society Induction Ceremony

August 23, 2024 at 3 p.m.
Shannon Hall, Memorial Union

Read Future Doctors Take the Stage

Event Program (PDF)

Sisters and first year med students make a W with their hands

In the News

WBAY Action 2 News (Green Bay, WI) covered Kaniala Aragon‘s unique journey to medical school.

WMTV 15 News (Madison, WI) highlighted the variety of experiences these new students bring to UW medical school, including Ian Hines’ service in the Army.


Gold Humanism Honor Society

The Gold Humanism Honor Society was established to honor senior medical students, residents, and faculty to elevate the concept of humanistic medicine.

Wisconsin Medical Society Foundation

White Coats are sponsored by the Wisconsin Medical Society Foundation from the donations of physician members of the Wisconsin Medical Society.

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Accessibility Accommodations for MD White Coat

We are committed to creating an inclusive and accessible MD White Coat Ceremony. Contact if you require accommodations for this event. Please submit requests a least two weeks before the event. All efforts will be made to meet late requests.