A student talks with kids about what they are learning

Doctors Ought to Care

Doctors Ought to Care (DOC) is a nationwide organization of physicians and medical students dedicated to working with young people to promote healthy lifestyles.

Sign up for a DOC Presentation

The University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health supports medical student engagement in promoting the well-being of students in the Madison area community by sponsoring DOC.

UW School of Medicine and Public Health students are trained to offer health promotion activities to elementary, middle and high school students. Students participating in DOC enjoy partnering with local teachers to provide youth with health-related information that is presented in a fun and dynamic way.

Program Overview

Pairs of DOC students give presentations to groups of students (kindergarten through high school), using actual human organs that come from cadavers.


Talks are available throughout the year, although they are most likely to be filled through the academic calendar of September-December and January-April. Please note that summer presentation requests and presentation requests during final exams (at the end of each semester) may be difficult to fill. We ask that DOC talk requests be submitted at least one month in advance of when you want a talk; this helps us to better accommodate your needs.

Audience and Benefits

DOC presentations work well in practically any curriculum area from kindergarten through high school. Presentations are also effective for after-school clubs or other extracurricular groups. DOC presenters can gear talks to match all grade levels. In-person talks generally cannot be scheduled at locations more than 30 minutes from Madison; virtual presentations may be available.

Sign Up for a DOC Presentation