MSTP Financial Support

Students in the Medical Scientist Training Program (MSTP) are guaranteed funding, which includes an annual stipend, insurance and tuition costs, throughout their training.

Funding comes from a variety of sources:

  • University of Wisconsin School of Medicine and Public Health
  • Rath Foundation Fellowship, a fund provided by a private donor
  • National Institutes of Health MSTP training grant, T32 GM140935
  • Student-initiated extramural grants, such as F30 and F31 fellowships
  • Support from a student’s research mentor, graduate training program or department

In 2024–2025, the annual stipend is $36,000 for students during the MD stage of their training and is set by the graduate program at a similar level during the PhD stage. We review stipends annually based on the cost of living. Students are also eligible for benefits including health, dental and life insurance. The MSTP pays segregated fees for students during the MD years of training; students may be responsible for segregated fees during their PhD years.

An individual student’s stipend is never dependent on obtaining extramural funding, but students are expected to apply for independent funding at the time that they achieve dissertator status. A variety of governmental and philanthropic sources are typically interested in our students’ thesis research.

Students learn much in preparing such applications and have good funding success. We offer a variety of assistance in preparation of these grant applications.

Review further tuition details and financial aid opportunities.

Conference Travel

MSTP students can apply for travel awards to attend conferences through the UW Medical Scientist Training Program, their graduate program or the Graduate School, and the School of Medicine and Public Health. Additional funds may be available from the research mentor’s lab or department, and we highly encourage you to apply for conference scholarships.